Battle for the freedom of humanity.
The following video is a message to inform the whole world about the actions I have taken for the liberation of Greece, together with the valuable help of my associates and true patriots.
A message of positive energy, giving hope to the whole world.
Let the truth be known about the corrupt government of Greece !
A short biography, starting from 2020 to today, so the rest of the world knows what is happening in Greece !
A video with a special form, with details, detailing the various actions, such as, articles, videos, interviews and revelations, so that the rest of the world knows, but more so the people in charge !
A video that will surely help the advancement of humanity, in its transition to the 5th dimension !
It is important, to download the detailed brochure in pdf format with all the useful links, referring to important interviews, videos, articles, researches and in general in a serious material, so that, to get useful information about our work.
The video in Rumble
Fighting For Freedom – Ioannis Demertzis
Ioannis Demertzis Fighting for Freedom (467 downloads )
Fighting For Freedom – Ioannis Demertzis
Ioannis Demertzis Fighting for Freedom (467 downloads )Human Rights are widely violated.
Every time an individual stands up for an idea, or acts to improve the lot of others, or fights against injustice, s/he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from millions of different centers of energy and daring, these ripples create a current that can sweep away the strongest walls of oppression and resistance.
It is dangerous to be right on matters about which the established authorities are wrong.
Here in Greece, a country whose government is one of the most corrupt governments in the world, based on common sense and the instinct of survival, I openly started the fight against all these measures that the New World Order is trying to establish.
Hundreds of millions worldwide, including many thousands of doctors, scientists and lawyers, say that the pandemic is a criminal operation, mainly aiming at killing children and the elderly.
My name is Ioannis Demertzis, I am a telecommunications and IT technician, owner of a private radio station and other electronic media, former editor of an independent, local weekly newspaper, journalist and member of the Association of Journalists of the Magazine and Electronic Press of Macedonia Thrace, and I have been involved since 2020, in the disclosure of the COVID-19 fraud.
In the beginning of the year 2020, and especially from the day the closure of our national borders was announced, in conjunction with the largest global military operation called “Defender Europe“, I realized that the events were not as we were told by the media, but something different and very big was happening.
I started the research, because it was very interesting and after several days of searching the internet, I found a lot of important facts, and therefore on March 25th 2020, I published the article entitled “Coronavirus: All the Truth They Wouldn’t Tell You in Systemic Media“.
It is a comprehensive investigation, with all the necessary information, so that everyone can understand the whole story of how we got here, with enough historical and medical data, facts and evidence.
Medical evidence with proof that there is no physical form of Corona virus as it was presented to us, but a biological weapon that the Deep State intended to spray into the atmosphere, to prevent this, but also how this was used as a cover-up operation, to carry out mass arrests and slowly reveal the truth about adrenochrome and of course how the satanic Khazarian Mafia had spread and had enslaved humanity.
As I continued my investigation, in early June 2020, I received information that arrests have been made of Members of the Greek Parliament, including the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister.
So, I thought it would be appropriate to announce it publicly, but instead of seeing the joy and enthusiasm of the Greeks, I was attacked harshly by the “patriotic” community.
This made me realize that there is no pure patriotic community, but a directed patriotic community, which does everything to defuse the anger of indignant citizens against the government, and to prevent people from getting correct and accurate information, but also to delay them from waking up.
In mid-July, a friend and leader of the special guard of Blessed Archbishop Christodoulos, informed me that an operation to assassinate more than thirty (30) people had been set up by people of the Greek Government. The Greek Government had assigned our extermination to the criminal organization MS13 (Mara Salvatrucha).
That is, to murder citizens, such as myself and others, who express the opposite point of view of the pandemic narrative.
I was at the top of the death list, because I had put out information that was true concerning everything that was going on.
Sometime later, with the encouragement of a friend and with his valuable help, I made a documentary about the Great Awakening. A documentary in which I explained everything that was going on around us, and in particular explaining who Q and QANON are, and of course about the Great Awakening that is happening now.
The media continued to present false evidence of a pandemic that did not exist while people continued to believe this lie, exposing our children to great danger with all these measures. So, the truth had to come out.
By the end of May 2021, having gathered enough evidence against the covid – 19 fraud, I was compiling a book, consisting of 361 pages.
This book is entitled “COVID – 19 THE GREAT DECEPTION – Evidence of The Covid-19 Fraud”.
I have made it freely accessible on the internet via Scribd ( Anyone or any courts that may have cases concerning violations of the COVID measures, can use it.
In the summer of 2021, I filed the book “Evidence Against The COVID Fraud” as a report to the City Hall, the Police, the Tax Office, and the Prosecutor’s Office of my city, so that the measures could be stopped, since I was seeing that none of the measures taken, were doing any good, but on the contrary, they were creating a lot of problems, even death.
Unfortunately, I received no reply and nothing has changed.
Then in 2021, again I sent electronically the same book along with additional data twice, to thousands of recipients, to all key public services, police stations, town halls, regions, port police stations, trade associations, ministries, journalists, with priority to the entire Greek school network, to draw the attention of the competent authorities, but especially of teachers to protect our children.
Unfortunately, no one contacted me, and I didn’t notice any change either.
I repeated the same in 2022, in the month of January.
No change for the better, on the contrary, government agencies and others were trying to find ways to get me to stop promoting the truth through the channels I was using.
By mid-2022 and after a continuous hard fight against all these criminals, but also the huge effort to inform the Greeks, through many broadcasts, videos, interviews, public speeches, and many articles, the government, not having legal and fair ways to refute my struggle, as a retaliation, had frozen all my legal income, through the tax authorities, and with the ultimate goal of my physical extermination.
I didn’t back off, but continued the struggle with more patience and effort.
In November 2022, I filed a big lawsuit against the IRS for what they did to me, which involved a lot of big issues, like the legal cancellation of debts in relation to the Bretton Woods Treaty and many other things, which of course is ongoing and concerns all Greeks and the rest of the world.
Seeing then, that there is no serious action in the country to fight against crime, without a second thought, I started an effort to raise money to file, together with several Greek patriots, another big lawsuit against all those responsible for the COVID fraud.
In January 2023 we did it ! We filed it !
The lawsuit was about all the COVID measures, and it was directed at everyone who applied them, without exception, from the government, to the ordinary citizen, nurse, police teacher, civil servant and so on.
Subsequently, in mid-May 2023, in the Single-Member Court of First Instance of Thessaloniki, together with the legal representative, on the occasion of a very sensitive family issue, we filed a declaratory action, the political right and clarification of legal retaliation, whereby, based on this, the elections of Sunday, May 21st, 2023, could NOT be held before the Judicial Power of the Greek Justice, based on article 26 par. 3 of the Constitution, without the issuance of the regular or extraordinary decision due to the national reason of holding the Parliamentary Elections of Sunday, May 21, 2023.
We are now preparing another lawsuit concerning the municipal elections.
In short, along with my close associates, I have filed lawsuits, involving finances, elections and also a lawsuit for the COVID-19 fraud.
The important thing is, that on November 2nd 2023, I have to face a serious legal battle.
I am accused by the former director of primary education of the city of Kavala, and by a policeman of the Kavala police station, who accused me of spreading false news via the internet, regarding the e-mails I sent in 2022 to schools, about the covid-19 scam, and about the forms of alternative treatments I propose to the general public, through articles on the informative website I maintain.
With this TV message, I want to communicate the criticality of the situation I am in.
I think it is right that all of you abroad should know about the legal actions we have taken against all those responsible in Greece.
All these actions and documents are posted publicly, for reasons of transparency.
We can send them to anyone who asks for them.
Given the fact, that my life and the life of my child is threatened, I ask for protection, because I do not trust anyone in this country.
I am also asking for financial support to help us meet the legal costs, which will not stop here.
We have promised our children that we will fight this battle to the end. And the end will be when all those responsible for crimes against humanity are convicted!
Further information can be found in the description of the video, but also in the detailed e-bulletin, which includes details of our actions, as well as the links where you can directly access this valuable legal and audiovisual material.
Finally, if you have any evidence, testimonies or anything else that you consider worthy to support the legal dispute, please, send it to us via the email address in this video.
It’s time to stand up and do something together and united!
Please, share this video with everyone you can, in any way you can, so that the information is passed on and more people are informed.
Only with the right information will we help the rest of the world to comprehend the truth, and encourage them to support the struggle for the preservation of the existence of the human species!
Thank you.
Warm request for financial support.
We remind you again that the legal battle I am fighting is not just about me.
That is, its outcome will affect all of you. All Greeks.
It is advisable to support financially those who can.
*** From now on, you can send your financial support, DIRECTLY, and by credit card, through GIVESENDGO and BUYMEACOFFEE
Here is the bank account.
IBAN: LT42 3250 0603 2304 3454
Beneficiary’s address: Merarchias 57, 65403, KAVALA, Greece
Bank/Payment Institution: Revolut Bank UAB
Bank / payment institution address: Konstitucijos ave. 21B, 08130, Vilnius, Lithuania.
You can of course by Western Union or MoneyGram, but even by postal cheque, to the name of Ioannis Demertzis, 7is Merarchias 57, Kavala, tel. +30.2510.600102.
Thank you.
I saw you on Patriot Underground and I looked you up… I’m so happy to hear someone from Greece 👍 I am in America but my friend is in Thessaloniki, he feels so alone that no one believes him…. I’ve forwarded this to him, ty for being in this fight!
[…] him to go after the government for crimes against humanity.Visit Ioannis’ website here: can support his case if you wish at the bottom of this page: […]